Sunday, 14 October 2012

A Terrible Flare-up

Hello Friends

After a week off work nursing my back, I had to do a lot of catching up when I went back to work on Monday.  Unfortunately my deteriorating memory let me down badly & I battled to remember a lot of the goings-on which led to some pretty embarrassing moments.  But in the end I managed to get through it all with my ego bruised but dignity somewhat intact.  But the effort & excitement of everything that happened had its repercussions.

On Friday evening my legs started paining from top to bottom.  I had stabbing & burning pains all the way up to my thighs.  My left waist ached.  Oh and of course my back was still not completely well yet, so that I also had to endure.

Yesterday morning when I woke I felt like I'd been hit by a bus - a double decker bus towing a train....  My body ached all over.  My legs, sides, lower back, chest, lower ribs, between my shoulders & neck were in the worst pain.  My head felt like it wanted to explode each time I coughed or lent over - and it wasn't my blood pressure.  To put the cherry on the top, my finger tips had gone completely numb.  When I touched them I could feel pressure from below, but no sensation as per normal.  This was by far the worst flare up I have ever had.  In my pain scale this one was a very high 8.

But because things had to be done in the garden, and the electrician was in to do work, each time I tried to rest (much to some peoples disgust) I was called out again to agree to things.  

In the afternoon I took Missy to school for her concert practise.  When I came home I was finally able to collapse into bed for 1,5 hours.  What a pleasure.  I didn't want to wake up.

The way I was feeling I was certainly in no mood to cook so we got pizza takeaway.  I eventually collapsed into bed.  then in the middle of the night I woke up to find my pyjamas were completely soaked in sweat from top to bottom!  I never realised it was possible for a person's entire leg to sweat!  I got changed into new pyjamas and went back to sleep.  

This morning I woke feeling slightly better.  My legs, lower back & side are still the main cause of my pain, but at least my head doesn't feel like a time bomb waiting to go off.  And I'm taking it easy. 

This morning I was asked why I'm always OK during the week but always sick and in pain on the weekend.  The truth is... at work I'm expected to perform.  I have a job to do & it's not in me not to do it to the best of my ability.  Also, its not common knowledge to people at work (apart from a handful) that I am ill.  But by a Thursday evening my pain has generally reached a level where I cannot continue without the assistance of pain relief (and I try to deal with the pain on my own for as long as I possibly can).  So by Friday I'm climbing the walls (thank goodness for half day Fridays). 

Therefore, when its weekend, I have a chance to wind down and regenerate.  Yes, my family suffers because of it at times, but its the only time I have available.  This is not an illness which will ever go away.  There is no miracle pill.  No fairy god mother to wave her wand.  Its something my family & I have to come to terms with & deal with.  There is only so much sick leave to take in a year and only so much that an employer will take before questions start being asked.  

So... to all you "Normals" out there - I urge you to think before you criticise someone when you don't have all the facts.  Your comments hurt... a lot...


  1. Since posting this blog I was told that my night sweat was caused by my fibro pain.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I too suffer from Fibro. have for quite a while.
      Went thru lots of testing etc. last yr has been the worst. But 2 weeks ago I started taking a D-Ribose supplement and my fatigue has lessened a quite substantially, I'd say at least 45-50%. Have youtried this syuff? No side effects, and you can buy at GNC or on line or in health stores. about a month ago I had a flare and slept 17 hrs straight. My husband says he is so happy I am up past 7:30 at night now! he has nticed a big difference in me. I think my pain is less too but not as good effect on that as with my fatigue. But I am a believer. Try it if you haven't, it may help.
      Thank you for your blog. I have one too but don't write too often. It does help to express the frustration and grief over this horrible illness.
      Feel better,

    2. Hi Judy
      Thanks for the info regarding D-Ribose. Shall investigate and give it a try. I'm always hesitant to try treatments & medicines that people recommend unless they are going through the same thing as me. And you are going through the same thing as me.
      Feel free to join my blog and hear someone else venting for a bit.
      Gentle hugs

  2. Brenda,
    I just wanted to add that I am in a dicey position at my work too. I applied for and was granted intermittent Family Medical Leave Act status, which entitles you to a total of 12 weeks a year unpaid leave which you can take on an intermittent basis if your doctor says you need to be out due to fibro flare ups. My doctor pretty much ent with what i told her and rote that I may need 1 to two days off when I have a flare up, hich is generally every month or so. You are somewhat protected in that your company cannot fire you for absences if you have an FMLA
    status, but they can fire you for other things and now I am being put upon by my bosses for lots of little stupid things that I think are pretences. I got a very bad performance reviw whch shocked all my coworkers when i told them. They look to me as a mentor. I have trained most of them (I am a children's therapist). So FMLA is there, but I guess it singles you out as a "problem" and maybe targets you for being let go under other pretences. Wish me luck. I am trying as much as I can to not give them any reason to pick on me or my work, but they ahve a lot more control over this than do, and can always find something if they really want to, I suspect. But if they do, they will have a fight. I am the sole breadwinner. My husband is retired, and we need my income and benefits.
    So i will not go without a fight.
    Whereabouts are you?
    Hope you are getting some rest and having a pretty good day.
    Take care,

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Forget all the FMLA stuff. I see you are in South Africa so I doubt it would apply unless you are working for a US corp there. Sorry for my ethnocentric behavior! We Americans tend to assume we own the internet!!!!!!
      Anyway, very nice to'meet' you and thanks again for the blog. Strength in numbers!
      Take care,

    2. Hi (again) July
      In South Africa we have legislation regarding voluntary disability. This means you declare your condition to your employer, and you are then supposed to be protected. the company should then accommodate you where necessary e.g. if your flare up is bad in the mornings, they should allow you to come in later when necessary, and so forth.
      I applied for disability last month so am waiting for the outcome. I don't foresee too many problems as I work for a large organization. But my Specialist Physician has warned me that patients from other organizations have also been worked out. So I"m rather scared, as you can imagine.

  3. Brenda, I am so sorry you had such a bad flare-up. It sounded awful. Magnesium is good to take with the d-ribose. The magnesium relaxes your muscles, while the d-ribose gives you energy and helps them to heal. I bought 100% chelated magnesium (elemental) last time; however, the tablets are huge -- like swallowing a horse pill. In the USA there is a mixture of the two with malic acid called Corvalen. I usually buy it on It's a powder, that you mix in water or juice. I think I'm going back to that when I finish up the very large pills. I have forgotten what malic acid is supposed to do, but it is found naturally in fruit. Also, one of my friends told me to try Black Cherry Juice, which brings down inflammation and does help with pain. I bought it in a concentrate and diluted with water. You can probably find that at a health food store.
